Only in Palo Alto! Cloudera, Hortonworks and Hadoop

Cloudera's new Series F  funding announced initially March 23 for 160 million  is actually 900 million dollars. As we see from Crunchbase below, the insiders knew that Intel also invested $740M, but for some reasons unknown to outsiders did not break the news until March 30, 2014.

Cloudera is now worth on paper $4.1 billion, which is an average of $7.2 million per employee (570 employees as of today)

Cloudera's competitor, Hortonworks announced also funding of $100 million on March 24, for total of nearly $200M so far financing. The two companies fought bitterly in the recent months. The Hortonworks team believes it’s poised to take the Hadoop crown and Cloudera is poised to fail because the market is still too young to buy the enterprise data hub package Cloudera is selling

Hortonworks CEO Rob Bearden said  "he expects the Hadoop market will be worth about  $25 billion in the next few years and he expects Hortonworks itself is headed toward an IPO and $1 billion in annual revenue by 2017 or 2018."

Hortonworks last round of financing includes BlackRock, the largest asset management firm in the world. On February 12, 2014, Larry Fink, Blackrock's CEO said 
"We are bombarded with information that we can not make sense out of it. We can't decide whether this  Big Data information  is good or is bad.  As a result every CEO, government decision maker handling money only invests short term.  Some CEO's buy back shares to invest the cash in government bonds at 2% interest rate. Companies sit on lots of cash, too afraid to spend it." 
Larry obviously changed his mind and participated in Hortonworks round. He is a very shrewd investor and Hortonworks is lucky to have Blackrock as a backer.

The CEOs of both Cloudera and Hortonworks may have some secret decks of  slides that managed to convince the elite of the investment community from east coast.

How they did it, it's a mystery to me. It's like watching a new version of the movie The Illusionist

Life on the web depends on emotions. If you are bored , you may go to YouTube or Google. If you are curious, you go to Wikipedia or Quora. If you are lonely, you go to Facebook.

But why I should go to Hadoop? It's still complicated like hell for mainstream  companies. And it is a system administration tool, making data accessible to data analysis and predictive software, which users actually see.

So I guess there will be - according to Hortonworks - tons of CEOs and decision makers who would like to know new predictions about the future based on facts yet undiscovered because we have not yet enough data to analyze. And these CEOs will be prepared to pay $25 billion per year to have Hadoop?

Only in America! Or better said Only in Palo Alto!

Some people say we have Silicon Valleys duplicates in London UK, in Japan and China somewhere, in Miami Florida or Austin Texas. Maybe. But not the Silicon Valley from Palo Alto, CA, next to Stanford University

Because to create deus ex machina a company worth over $4 billion in about a week based on Hadoop that is freely available from Apache, THIS, ladies and gentlemen is possible Only in Palo Alto!

Series A, 3/2009 2
Accel Partners
Diane Greene
Qi Lu
Jeff Weiner
Mårten Mickos
Gideon Yu
Caterina Fake
Youssri Helmy
SV Angel
Series B, 6/2009 3
Accel Partners
Greylock Partners
Series C, 10/2010 4
Meritech Capital Partners
Accel Partners
Greylock Partners
Series D, 11/2011 5
Ignition Partners
Accel Partners
Greylock Partners
Meritech Capital Partners
Series E, 12/2012 6
Accel Partners
Greylock Partners
Ignition Partners
Meritech Capital Partners
Series F, 3/2014 7
T. Rowe Price
Google Ventures
Series F, 3/2014 8

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Anonymous said…
Very nice. i have learn that the hadoop.Thanks for that.

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Ying Ying Shi said…
Well to the point. There is defnitely another start-up culture in Palo Alto. In Germany, e.g., investors are much more cautious and conservative.